Weavers' customer complaint procedure

We value the opinions of our customers and clients and are committed to providing a professional service at all times. If something does not go as well as expected we want to hear about it. In line with The Property Redress Scheme’s Code of Practice our complaint-handling procedure is outlined below:
1. In the first instance you should write to the Manager/Director of the office, giving full details of your complaint. Once they have received your complaint, they will acknowledge receipt within 3 working days. An investigation will then be undertaken and you will receive a response to your complaint within 15 working days.
2. If you are not satisfied with the response given by the Manager/Director, or the matter remains unresolved, you can escalate your complaint to the Managing Director for our company’s final viewpoint. You can email us via team@weaversestates.co.uk or write to us at the following address:
Weavers Estates Ltd
15 Nelson Street
A final investigation will be undertaken at this point and a written response will be sent to you within 15 working days detailing our company’s final viewpoint. The Property Redress Scheme requires that any complaint should be addressed through our Complaints Procedure prior to being submitted for an independent review.
3. If you remain dissatisfied with our company’s final viewpoint, after 8 weeks you can then refer your case to The Property Redress Scheme for their review. Details of their complaints procedure and form can be found on their website www.theprs.co.uk along with their Code of Practice and Terms of Reference. Alternatively, you can call them on 0333 321 9418.
You have 12 months from the date of our company’s final viewpoint to refer the matter to The Property Redress Scheme.
If you require any further details of the complaints procedure please do not hesitate to contact us: team@weaversestates.co.uk / 01702 411146
Weavers is the trading name of Weavers Estates Ltd.
Registered office: 55 Crown Street, Brentwood, Essex, CM14 4BD. 

Book a home consultation

To book in your home consultation, please fill in the form below.

Alternatively you can email us at team@weaversestates.co.uk, or call us at 01702 411 146.

We’re really looking forward to meeting you and hearing about your plans. 

The Team @ Weavers