Planning to sell your home?

Congratulations on making the decision to sell your house! You’re at the perfect starting point to ensure a successful sale from the very beginning.

By following these 10 steps systematically, you’ll be able to make a remarkable impact in the market and capture the attention of potential buyers:

1. Choose the right time of year

Choosing the right timing is crucial when it comes to selling your home. Certain periods of the year tend to be more favourable for a successful sale. For instance, homes targeting retirement buyers may face challenges during the winter months when elderly buyers prefer not to engage in extensive property viewings. On the other hand, families often prefer to move either at the beginning of the year or before the start of a new school year, typically in September. It’s important to understand your target buyer and align your selling timeline accordingly. 

2. Get your home ready

Ensure that your home is fully prepared for photography sessions and viewings. This stage requires dedicated time, effort, and possibly some financial investment, as it plays a crucial role in effective marketing.

Take a step back and objectively evaluate your property, or seek feedback from a trusted friend. Are there any improvements you can make to enhance its appeal without breaking the bank? Consider seeking advice from a professional, or draw inspiration from show homes in your area.

By prioritising the preparation of your home, you can significantly increase its attractiveness to potential buyers and make a lasting impression.

3. Choose your estate agent

To select your estate agent, consider to ‘mystery shop’ the more prominent local companies and assess the way they handle a simple enquiry from you. Perhaps ask about a property you feel would compete with yours in some way. Then shortlist two or three agents, and interview them in your home.

Don’t just choose the agent with the lowest fee and highest valuation – take a considered view on their professionalism, their success locally, and whether you like them or not. After all, you’re going to be working quite closely with them for some time.

4. Commission good photographs

In today’s digital age, professional photography plays a vital role in effectively selling a house online. Potential buyers often make decisions about property viewings based primarily on the photographs they see. Text alone may not capture their attention as effectively. If your chosen estate agent does not provide professional photography services, it is worth considering investing in this privately. By doing so, you retain ownership of the images, which can be beneficial if you decide to switch to a different estate agent in the future. Having high-quality visuals of your property ensures that you have captivating and appealing images that truly represent your home’s best features.

5. Describe your home

The description crafted by your agent for your brochure and online advertisement should go beyond mere factual details and truly sell the essence of your home to potential buyers. To set your property apart from the competition, it’s essential to utilise lifestyle descriptions that evoke the dream and aspiration associated with your home, rather than focusing solely on the physical aspects.

Remember, buyers are not just purchasing bricks and mortar; they are seeking a place where they can envision their dreams becoming a reality. By crafting a captivating description that showcases the lifestyle potential, you can attract the right buyers who align with the vision and ambiance your home presents.

6. Round up your figures

When determining your asking price, it is crucial to consider how it aligns with online property searches. In today’s digital era, where more than 90% of buyers conduct their property searches online, selecting an asking price that ensures maximum visibility is essential.

Avoid using price points that end with a 9, such as £499,999, and instead opt for rounded figures that fit within the price bandings commonly used by online portals. For example, setting your price at £500,000. This approach increases the likelihood of your property being seen by a larger pool of potential buyers.

Staying in tune with online search trends and planning accordingly will enhance the visibility of your property and increase its chances of attracting interested buyers.

7. Pay attention to the details

It is important to ensure that your estate agent provides professionally printed property details, rather than relying on office printers. 

Professional printing services provide superior print quality and durability, which in turn enhances the visual appeal of your property details. By investing in professional printing, you can showcase your home in the best possible light, capturing the attention of potential buyers with visually stunning images.

Remember, first impressions matter, and professionally printed brochures reflect the care and attention to detail you have put into marketing your property. It is worth seeking an estate agent who prioritises the use of quality materials to ensure that your property is presented in the most appealing and professional manner possible.

8. Choose your time of the week

For optimal results, consider launching your home to the open market between Wednesday and Friday to generate weekend viewings. This timing allows potential buyers to plan their weekend visits and increases the chances of attracting interested parties during this critical initial phase.

The first four to six weeks of listing your property are crucial in the selling process. Research indicates that any offers received during this timeframe are often the most favourable you are likely to receive. Therefore, it is essential to make a strong impression and capture the attention of potential buyers during this period.

By strategically timing your market launch and maximising the initial weeks of exposure, you can increase the likelihood of securing competitive offers and achieving successful results in the sale of your property.

9. Tidy up!

Once your home is on the market, try to keep your home spick and span, and beautifully tidy in preparation for viewings. Buy fresh flowers, fill the fruit bowl, and keep new towels and bed linen just for viewings, so you can quickly freshen up your home with minimum effort when a buyer books a viewing.

Other tips for viewings include making your home smell fresh using candles, fresh coffee, or the classic ‘freshly baked bread’ smell. Quiet relaxing music can also help make the buyer feel ‘at ease’ when walking around your home. 

10. Make sure your agent is working for you

Keep in touch with your agent at least once a week, if not more frequently. Ask to see your Rightmove Property Performance Report and any other indicators of activity by buyers online.

Arrange a quick chat to find out how we can help with your plans by emailing us at with your name, address and a some times that suit you for us to call. 

Book a home consultation

To book in your home consultation, please fill in the form below.

Alternatively you can email us at, or call us at 01702 411 146.

We’re really looking forward to meeting you and hearing about your plans. 

The Team @ Weavers