Summer Selling for an Autumn Move

How to sell a home in the summer to move in autumn
Picture of Zak Weavers

Zak Weavers

Weavers Estates

Selling your home during the summer can be an excellent opportunity. The season brings forth a vibrant atmosphere with its sunny days, beautiful green gardens, and blooming flowers, offering a picturesque backdrop for captivating marketing photos.

The extended daylight hours and generally favorable weather of summer provide ample opportunities for potential buyers to explore your home when it is showcased in its optimal brilliance. Basking in the sunshine not only illuminates the physical aspects of your property but also uplifts people’s spirits, putting them in a positive mindset as they embark on the viewing experience.

So how do you make the most of the advantages that summer offers when selling your home?


The visual representation of your home through marketing photographs holds significant sway in attracting potential buyers. It is crucial that these images align with the season. If your property has been on the market with photos taken earlier in the year, we recommend replacing them with up-to-date ones.

For interior shots, aim to capture maximum daylight streaming through the windows, accentuating the natural brightness of your rooms. If you have a patio, balcony, or terrace, open the doors and take a shot that frames the space either inward or outward. This can create a captivating image reminiscent of a summer holiday villa, which has the potential to greatly appeal to many buyers.

During the summer, there are two optimal times for capturing exterior shots:

  1. Midday, under bright sunshine: If you have a sizable garden, consider taking a shot from the end (front or back) that showcases your home while encompassing the lush colors of trees, flowers, and shrubs. This can result in a beautiful composition.

  2. Clear evenings around sunset: Take a mid-length shot of the front or back of your home against the backdrop of the twilight sky. Ensure that both the exterior and interior lights are on to create a stunning visual effect.

Infusing Your Interior with Summer Vibes

When selling your home, the styling plays a vital role in helping potential buyers envision themselves living there, and it should align with the season. Here are some tips to give your home that irresistible summer vibe:

  • Embrace Lightness: Store away any dark or heavy throws and blankets, opting instead for lighter fabrics that exude a sense of airiness and relaxation.
  • Floral Delights: Introduce floral cushions to various rooms, instantly infusing them with a touch of summer’s charm and natural beauty.
  • Freshen Up Bedrooms: Enhance the brightness and freshness of bedrooms by adorning them with white bed linen, creating an inviting and tranquil atmosphere.
  • Inviting Scents: Scented candles are an excellent year-round accessory for creating an aspirational and welcoming ambiance. Opt for light, floral scents in bedrooms and living areas. Consider incorporating aromas that evoke holiday memories, such as coconut, to further uplift the mood. You can have a fresh coconut cake in the kitchen or a coconut diffuser in the bathroom.

Sparkling Surfaces: Regardless of the time of year, ensure that the glass surfaces in your home gleam. However, it is especially important during summer when natural light illuminates the space. Consider professional cleaning of windows and glazed doors inside and outside before listing your home for sale, and periodically maintain their sparkle until you secure a buyer.

Embrace Indoor/Outdoor Living: Capitalize on the rising popularity of indoor/outdoor living. Before viewings, open your sparkling doors and windows to invite fresh air and natural light. Enhance the flow of greenery from inside to outside by placing an abundance of plants and flowers near doorways, creating an inviting transition between spaces.

Showing your garden at it’s blooming best

During the summer, many gardens reach their peak beauty. However, this is also the time of rapid growth, requiring extra effort to maintain a fabulous appearance. Consider obtaining assistance from a gardening services company while your home is on the market. This relieves you of one task while ensuring your garden consistently leaves the best possible impression on potential buyers.

Just as interior styling matters, the exterior of your home deserves equal attention. Think about ways to showcase how you enjoy your garden. If you already have garden furniture, that’s fantastic. If not, investing in a reasonably-priced table and chairs can significantly enhance the “lifestyle” ambiance when visitors come to view. Place a vase of fresh flowers on the table and set out some refreshments, such as a pitcher of homemade lemonade and glasses. This simple gesture makes the garden even more inviting, encouraging viewers to linger longer and fully appreciate the enchanting qualities your home has to offer.

For the specific details about styling your garden to sell, check out our blog post here. 

Appealing to Growing Families

The winter months often lead growing families to realize the need for more space after being cooped up indoors together. As school-age children enjoy their summer break, this becomes an opportune time for families to search for a new home. They can view properties together, find a home that suits everyone’s preferences, and then plan a move in early autumn without disrupting the academic year.

While summer sees strong demand across all types of homes, the market for “family homes” tends to be particularly bustling—especially those with generous gardens. As children grow older, families value the additional outdoor space. Therefore, summer presents an ideal season to sell homes with expansive lawns, allowing viewers to witness their little ones safely playing and enjoying the open area.

Moreover, the heightened demand during this time often translates to buoyant prices. Selling your home in summer may potentially yield a higher price than if you were to try selling during the winter months.

Embracing Autumn Moving

Once your summer marketing efforts have resulted in a successful sale and you’ve discovered a new home that captivates you, it’s time to plan the next exciting step. Moving in the autumn offers certain advantages, as the weather tends to be neither too hot nor too cold. This is particularly appreciated by removals companies when navigating furniture and belongings in and out of buildings and vans.

Here’s a valuable tip if you’re engaging a removals company: contact them as early as possible, even if you haven’t yet set a firm moving date. This is especially important if you prefer to move on a Friday, which happens to be the most popular day for relocations. By reaching out to them, they can conduct a survey of your belongings, provide you with a quote, and give you the opportunity to negotiate the best possible price.

Although some people consider moving house to be a stressful event, choosing autumn as your moving season places you in a favorable position between the summer rush and the Christmas holidays. This allows for some breathing space, and you can look forward to the festive season.

If you’ve been contemplating selling your home this summer, or if you’re already on the market and seeking a fresh approach to secure a buyer for an autumn move, why not take our saleability quiz and find out just how saleable your home is.  

Contact us on 01702 411146 or email us at

We’re ready to spring into action right away, ensuring you make the most of the summer buzz!

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